FENDI FIRST MEDIUM leather bag 8BP127AB Beige Tl12757EC68

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FENDI FIRST MEDIUM leather bag 8BP127AB Beige Tl12757EC68


 Medium Fendi First bag made of soft, nappa leather with oversized metal F clasp bound in tone on tone nappa leather.

Featuring an interior compartment lined in fabric with the iconic FF motif, pull out attachment points and gold-finish metalware.
Can be carried by hand as a clutch or worn on the shoulder thanks to the detachable shoulder strap.
Made in Italy
Product Code:8BP127ABVEF0L1B
Length:32,5 cm
Height:23,5 cm
Depth:15, cm
Shoulder strap height (drop):27 cm
Weight:1,044 kg
Composition:100% Lambskin, inside: 27% Polyester, 27% Polyamide, 27% Polyurethane, 15% Cotton, 4% Resins
Replica Fendi comes with:serial numbers, care booklet, dust bag, Card, tag.

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