High Quality Replica Prada calf leather shoulder bag 1BD102 red Tl6554aR54

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Welcome to our website to get the Replica Prada Handbags you long for. Superb design, fashionable style and eye-catching appearance make Replica Prada Handbags very bold, stylish and highly personalized. The design style of Replica Prada Handbags the very outstanding, combining unique tradition and innovation, which is very sought after around the world all the time.

High Quality Replica Prada calf leather shoulder bag 1BD102 red Tl6554aR54


 Calf leather

Detachable leather shoulder strap
Detachable multicolored fabric shoulder strap
Metal lettering logo
Magnetic button closure—Three inside compartments and a zipper pocket
Prada logo lining
14 cm Height
5 cm Length
20 cm Width
Replica Prada Bag comes with:serial numbers, care booklet, dust bag, Card, tag.

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