Replica Padded nappa leather shoulder bag 1BD306 black Tl5865VA65

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Wouldn't you like to add some extraordinary beauty to your life? A Padded nappa leather shoulder bag 1BD306 black ordered through this website would certainly be the right thing for this. The perfect working of Prada Handbags brings high end charming for people who have it. Designer Replica Prada Handbags is suitable for any occasion, no matter where you are going, a fashion Handbags will enhance more charm and elegance for you immediately.

Replica Padded nappa leather shoulder bag 1BD306 black Tl5865VA65


 Reinterpreted in always new ways, Prada's iconic triangle is repeated in the quilted motif of this soft padded nappa leather bag to create a patchwork motif. The chain handle is decorated with the engraved lettering logo.

Lightly padded and quilted
Removable chain handle
Detachable 85 cm nappa leather shoulder strap
Back pocket
Metal hardware
Lettering logo embossed on the flap
Flap closure with magnet
Nappa leather lining with two pockets, including one with zipper
19 cm height 
8.5 cm length 
31 cm width
Replica Prada comes with:serial numbers, care booklet, dust bag, Card, tag.

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