Replica VALENTINO Quilted leather shoulder bag 96593 pink Tl19625DY71

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Replica Valentino Handbags are specially designed for men and women who lead a modern lifestyle and want to dress with a sense of casual fashion sophistication. Replica Valentino Handbags is one of the world's most renowned luxury brands famous for extraordinary design and unique style.

Replica VALENTINO Quilted leather shoulder bag 96593 pink Tl19625DY71


 Valentino shoulder bag

Turn-lock flap closure
Top carry handle, optional chain shoulder strap, Rockstuds, quilted, gold-toned hardware, interior zipped pocket, interior slip pocket
Height 21cm, width 30cm, depth 8.5cm
Replica VALENTINO comes with:serial numbers, care booklet, dust bag, Card, tag.

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